
Thesis statement is a short statement, usually one sentence, that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, etc., and is developed, supported, and explained in the text by means of examples and evidence.
A thesis statement is used to summarize the main points of a paper or an essay. 
Most research papers and academic essays require a thesis statement, which is considered as an answer to the research question.

It has the following functionalities:

It establishes the purpose of writing a paper
It declares the position of the researcher on the specific subject
It guides the reader through the debate presented
It keeps the reading focused on a particular discussion

Literature is a timeless piece of entertainment. As the innovations of technological advancements have grown, the way we read has revolutionised and evolved. However, the essence of storytelling and the effect it has on our lives hasn’t wavered.

Literature has given humans the ability to express history, ideas, tell stories, publish philosophy, question society and examine laws, rules and government. We can learn from the literature of other cultures as well as our own, from other people who think differently than we do and plumb the depths of our own emotion with evocative stories and poems.

Literature from the past has even given us archetypes to use in modern writing, such as the flawed hero, the quest, defiance of the gods and personalizing the story of the rise and fall of civilizations.

Literature is important in everyday life because it connects individuals with larger truths and ideas in a society. Literature creates a way for people to record their thoughts and experiences in a way that is accessible to others, through fictionalized accounts of the experience.
Literary tradition is both oral and written. Civilizations that existed without a written language still managed to pass down their stories through oral telling. Many Native American cultures practice an oral literary tradition. The primary use of literature in ancient settings was to pass down customs, beliefs and traditions to the younger generations. In more recent centuries, literature has taken on a more comprehensive role of mirroring society in order for humans to study themselves and understand the underlying truths common to all people. For students, studying literature is a critical component in education, as it teaches students to see themselves reflected in art. This allows people to learn about life and truth. Literature also helps people to see life from the perspective of another. Identity-based literature teaches the reader what life is like for others, helping them to be more understanding and respectful of those around them.

Not only does literature (at its best) represent our respective languages in a grammatically correct fashion (unlike phone texts) but it’s with novels, articles, magazines, essays and blogs, etc, that we pass on, share and present ideas, concepts and opinions that are often far too complex and intricate to mention with spoken words.

In normal conversation, we have to think on our feet. Unless we speak with a very close friend or a comatose patient, we only have precious few seconds to reply to something someone’s told or asked of us, and if we don’t respond right away, not only do we run the risk of seeming uninterested, uneducated or arrogant, but the other person might decide that we’re not the right person for them to talk to, so they move on and the conversation ends, leaving at least one of us wondering what could’ve been said, if only…

When we write, we have the luxury of taking our time. Lest there’s an unreasonable deadline weighing over our heads, we have the opportunity to do research, compose, write several drafts, proofread and make changes until the finished work is exactly the way we want it to be. And as such, it gives us the privilege of communicating, in-depth, precisely what’s on our minds in a way that’s simply not possible with verbal communication.

You know the old expression: “The pen is mightier than the sword”?

Well, it is! For whereas weapons are used to wage wars on the battlefield, it’s the thought put to paper by the pen (or keyboard) that decides whom to go to war with, draws up strategic plans, decides how to best use the available materials and resources, deploys the soldiers, court-martials deserters, writes down the terms of surrender and signs the documents of capitulation.

Same thing with bureaucracy and the legal system. We can scream and shout and protest all we like, but unless we follow the proper procedures, we won’t be listened to and we might, in fact, make our problem significantly worse for ourselves than if we simply filed the correct paperwork. With a pen…

Literature has the power to entertain, seduce, corrupt, move, scare, offend and motivate us. And every emotion in between. Why? Because it’s the language of the mind. And it’s with our minds that we experience everything through our senses and thoughts.

Ever wondered why the Nazis were so keen on burning books?
It wasn’t because they were “bad” books necessarily, but because they were considered dangerous and subversive and didn’t fit in with the ideologies of the Nazi regime.

Books written by Jewish, communist, socialist, anarchist, liberal, pacifist, religious and sexologist authors were ordered to be thrown on huge bonfires.
It didn’t matter if they actually were written by such authors or not or if they even touched upon sensitive subjects; if the Nazis deemed them a threat, up in flames they went.

The Nazis also took complete control over the German media.
Radios were forced to blare out the party propaganda and the newspapers only wrote articles that praised the regime to the high heavens, while mercilessly demonizing the Jewish population as well as other minorities and those crazy enough to publicly criticize the government.

Why were they so afraid of letting the common man and woman in the street have their say? Because they didn’t want anyone to publish opposing ideas and sow the seeds of dissent. They couldn’t very well have a potential revolution on their hands when they were busy gearing up for war and genocide, now, could they!

Hitler may have risen to power largely because of his sheer charisma and talents as a powerful speaker whose inflammatory monologues were broadcast through radios and shown in cinemas all across Germany. But his speeches were carefully planned and written down beforehand. Nothing was left to chance. He didn’t just walk up to the podium and improvise his way in front of millions of worshipers.

And let’s not forget that he wrote his own book, “Mein Kampf”, which every German had to own a copy of. Why would he order this if his spoken word was enough?

Or why would religions across the world all have holy books and scriptures if their sermons and spoken rituals were enough?

It’s because they’re not enough. The spoken word has the power to provoke an immediate, spontaneous reaction in the people who hear it, but it’s the written word that lays it all out for everyone to see. Declarations, manifestos, rules, laws, bibles.
All are written down, not only to present an idea or ideology in full to the masses, but because by writing it down, it gives those ideas and ideologies an official stamp of approval.

The written word can be taught and memorized. Christians and Jews endlessly quote scriptures. Muslims can recite the entire Quran (not Quoran) from memory.
Just like the people in Ray Bradbury’s classic sci-fi novel, “Fahrenheit 451”, illegally keep banned and burned books alive by putting them to memory.

Why go to all that trouble? Well, religious people want everyone to truly be converted to their respective faith by being utterly surrounded by it. Both physically and mentally. And the people in Bradbury’s book sought to keep both their language, cultural history and traditions alive in a totalitarian system which frowned upon such things.

So you see, whether literature is forced upon us or secretly digested, or even if it’s consumed freely and without restrictions or censorship, it has the power to change our perspective, perception and opinion on almost everything we know.
Both for good and for bad.

Literature reflects human nature and a way we can learn and relate to others. By reading through a first-person perspective, we can fully immerse ourselves into a different mindset and figure out how others think and feel. This is important within today’s society as we’re becoming increasingly detached from human interaction through iPhones, FaceTime, and social media. Literature is something that will never change in the way it makes you feel, regardless of whether that’s on paper or as an eBook.

Sparks empathy and understanding

Reading a book is one of the best ways to fully immerse your mind into another person’s dialogue and experiences. Being able to empathise and understand other people’s feelings is a key aspect of helping you connect to different regions, races, societies, and periods of time. They help a person take a closer look at the different facets of living aside from what they know and live which can change perspectives.

Learn about past lives

History plays a fundamental role in shaping literature, every novel, play, or poem you read has been influenced by political context, or a time period, or a relationship from the time it was written.

Not forgetting the pure history of literature itself with the first novel being penned in 2000 BC - The Epic of Gilgamesh. Being able to read first-hand something from so long ago is a major aspect of learning the lives of historical figures and times.

Escapism and possibilities

Reading can take us into different realms and see other people’s creative thought processes. Whether it’s flying into Neverland, wandering through Middle Earth, battling at Hogwarts, or rafting through the Mississippi River with Huck and Jim - books can take you anywhere and any place. This is an amazing tool that few entertainment mediums can truly give you and one of the reasons why literature is so beautiful. Whether you’re having a bad day, stressed out with work, dealing with new life decisions - books can help you escape into another world and live somewhere else for a short amount of time.

Novels provide knowledge, entertainment, encourage creativity and offer an escape for readers - enriching our lives in more ways than one. It’s definitely much more than words in a book, and even with the increasing popularity of eBooks, Kindles, Wattpad, and online reading they create a conversation, a unique world, and new perspectives.

Literature Helps Expand Horizons
An important aspect of literature lies in how it can help expand the horizons of its readers. It gives its readers an inside look into how cultures from other parts of the world differ from their own, and how customs from other countries help shape how their citizens view the world. By opening their minds to what different cultures have to offer, readers of literature become more accepting of the unique differences of people from around the world. It can also give them unique insights into their own past or present cultures, and can help them make a stronger connection to others in their own cultures.

Literature Gives a Look into the Past, Present and Future
Literature provides a window into the past, allowing readers to see how their ancestors and others dealt with day-to-day life. Readers can see where their own people came from, and how the country they live in became what it is today. Literature can also let its readers look back at the mistakes made by their predecessors, and hopefully avoid those same mistakes.

Modern literature gives readers a view into present-day politics, and sometimes gives us an important view into the lives of the people around us. Fictional literature can also give its readers special insight into the minds of writers to see how they envision the future might turn out, including both the good and the bad.

Literature Gives a View into the Human Condition
Literature also helps readers to understand the human condition, and what makes them who they are, whether talking about love, war or other important themes throughout life. What better way to learn about desire than through the pages of a book? While reading, readers are transported into their own world with their own thoughts, where they can develop their own ideas on basic human emotions, free of embarrassment and without the interference of others.

Literature Helps Build Critical Thinking Skills
Literature helps build crucial, critical thinking skills. Readers can learn more about symbolism within the pages of a book, and it helps them develop the ability to find the hidden meanings within everyday life. Furthermore, they can make connections between the characters and the themes of a book, and how that could apply to real life.

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