Araniko is a dynamic college that possesses distinct features of academic excellence. The enviable performances of our students have inspired, motivated, and ushered our status quo to greater heigh...
Arniko Secondary School is located at Biratnagar, Nepal. It is managed by a group of highly experienced team of educational professionals. The college is committed to serving students of diverse backgrounds who really seek a quality science education in Nepal.
Presently, it runs a +2 in Science. The plus two program at Arniko Secondary School aims for the total personality development of student. Thus, it conducts various extra... Read More
Located at Biratnagar-10, Tintoliya, our College is served by regular & quick public transport – buses, micro-vans, and tempos.
Hotel Management
Admission is given on the basis of an Entrance Examination which is mandatory, comprehensive, and has to be cleared or on the basis of SEE grades. A personal interview closely conducted by the College Management is compulsory for all students accompanied by their parents.
Yes, our college offers varied scholarships to students on a need-cum-merit basis.
Some of our co-curricular activities include debating, elocution, essay writing, painting, drama, project, and excursions.
Our Library is full of text-books, reference books/encyclopedias, and journals/ newspapers/magazines to keep the students well-informed. We have transportation facility as well.
Biratnagar-10, Tintoliya, Arniko Path , Morang
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